March 4, 2025

 BCR NEWS/GOA: We are pleased to announce the official selection of films for the Work-in-Progress Lab at NFDC Film Bazaar Online. This will be the second edition of the WIP Lab conducted completely online after the very successful online WIP Lab in 2020. This year’s selection includes films made in six Indian languages – Assamese, Chhattisgarhi, Hindi, Kannada Marathi and Moran. Three of the five selected films are debut features. The Work-in-Progress Lab is open only for fiction features aiming for a theatrical release. A maximum of five films are selected for this Lab. The director and editor of the selected film showcase their rough cuts to the panel of mentors and receive in-depth one-on-one feedback. The international editor assigned to the film guides the director and editor of the selected film through two sessions of the editing lab. The international mentors include a film festival director, film critic, producers and film editors. They provide valuable feedback on the edit with the aim of helping the filmmaker achieve an accomplished final cut of the film. Since its inception in 2008, the Work-in-Progress Lab has moulded films which have gone on to premiere at top international film festivals and receive critical acclaim. 
Some of the past projects of this Lab include Paka (River of Blood) (2020), Pedro (2019), Shankar’s Fairies (2019), Laila Aur Satt Geet (The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs)(2019), Fire in the Mountains (2019), Eeb Allay Ooo! (2018), Aise Hee (2018), Nimtoh (2018), Soni (2017), Moothon (2017), Bombay Rose (2016), The Gold-Laden Sheep and The Sacred Mountain (2016), Lipstick Under My Burkha (2015), Thithi (2014), Titli (2013), Killa (2013), Miss Lovely (2011) and Ship of Theseus (2011). 
Details of the selected projects for 2021 are -1. Baghjan by Jaicheng Zxai Dohutia, Assamese and Moran 2. Bailadila by Shailendra Sahu, Hindi and Chhattisgarhi 3. Ek Jagah Apni (A Space of Our Own) by Ektara Collective, Hindi 4. Followed by Harshad Nalawade, Marathi, Kannada and Hindi 5. Shivamma by Jai Shankar, Kannada .
By Swati Bhat

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