BCR NEWS (Ajay Shastri/New Delhi): Reputation building is the result of continuous hard work towards the specific goal, if we talk about the companies and their product, gaining customer trust towards the company is the hard work. Companies from many years have followed the traditional way of advertisement and marketing to build their reputation and converting the name of their company or product into the brand. In current scenario when there is the manufacturing of products in bulks, finding the name of your company product is a hard and harder thing is to make your name a reputed name in the market. Companies now today with the traditional marketing are also advertising their product in Digital and Social Media, as the best-crowded place we find today is Social Media and Digital Media. But still you are not the only one who is desperate to make your own identity; there are lots of people who are performing their best to deal with the current situation and giving their best to being on the top.
Entering the market, to survive, and grow is the path everyone followed and quality strategies to help to walk in this path. Market expert realizes the importance of building the reputation in the market as it’s directly related to growth which the company has earned in these years. And it is only possible by the use of public relation made by the company with their customer. Mr. Atul Malikram said ‘Now public relation has changed their meaning and is not restricted to advertisement and marketing but actually beyond then. It is actually the way of developing a relationship with the customer and getting feedback and to achieve this one has to need strategies and performance’.
The Public Relations work plays an important role in introducing new brands. Most of the brands fail to get attention and market equity because they were introduced into the market with normal advertising method instead of Public Relations. Advertising is used by most companies to introduce new brands. While a heavy advertising budget is needed to maintain a brand, but now anyone can visit any store and can get the knowledge of any new brand related to any product.
PR plays a long-term role in creating a positive perception for the new brands. We are living in a communications conscious society where people come across several commercial messages on the hourly and daily basis.
Through Public Relation, the environment is been created for brand activation, brand exhibition, brand education and the most important brand after-sales-services. PR work is shaping of opinion, inspire action and change perspectives about brands. PR strategically helps the company to hold on to its brand promise, credibility and encourage consistency performance.
Atul Malikram said ‘Public Relation enforces strong and constructive relationship between the company, brand and customers, suppliers and dealers and to a larger number of interested public. Trusting each other help the brand to grow exactly the way it should grow’.