BCR NEWS (Ajay Shastri/Mumbai): Having a chat with a girl who Has directed short films which going viral on you tube ; a Film critic and lots more. She is Priyanka Raina and now lets see how she describes her self.
Q. Firstly How would you describe yourself in one word ?
Priyanka Raina: One word would be actually Content writer ; Blogger ; Critic and above all a filmmaker who just tells her things through short films. There’s lots more apart it; A girl who organises biggest fan meet for Ranbir Kapoor.
Q. Biggest Fan meet for Ranbir Kapoor ; would you please elaborate on it ?
Priyanka Raina: Yeah ; I hold biggest fan Instagram fan club RK which consists of 40 to 50 pages each woth 80M followers.
And Biggest fan meet of Ranbir Kapoor was organised by Priyanka Raina (That’s me) and party was sponsored by UTV at novotal.
Q. Ohh that’s lovely ; U being critic who reviews films and Directed short films . And you even assisted in feature films too. How did you manage so many feathers ?
Priyanka Raina: So many feathers; not exactly (Laughs) . See short film shoot takes exactly a week to shoot and then may be another couple of days for doing post and in mean while I take off from reviewing films.When my film is ready and I am again back to my way of blogging .
Q. And feature films ; you even assisted….right?
Priyanka Raina : Yeah assisted Aanand Balraj in DAAL MEIN KUCH KAALA HAI which guess was the only film of Veena Malik. Also assisted in Black Currency featuring Zeenat Aman (Coz wanted working stills with her) in Black currency which is still under production.
Q. And heard your short films are going viral on you tube with 8 Million Views…..
Priyanka Raina: Hmm Zindagi short film which on my channel is just 16 k views; but I got a call a friend as they sent me link that “Your film Zindagi is on some unknown channel going viral”.
When I saw ; firstly thought to put claim and then after seeing positve comments changed my mind. On that channel fans dont know me. They are viewing content and I am happy as far as my film get appreciated.
Zindagi is featuring Sahila Chaddha and is written by Kapil Sharma.
Q. But you made many apart from this ; right?
Priyanka Raina: hmm my recent short film Love Lust Locha is airing on Six Sigma filmsvas selected by them.
Love Lust Locha features all new comers Sabir Shaikh; Nandini Shrivastava and Ankita. (Auditioned nearly about 60 theater actors before finalising them)
Q: Two short films which go viral and ….
Priyanka Raina : not two; these are my latest ones and best ones which went viral. Apart from this there are many short films whicb give a lovely message like “Main heroine banna chahti hoon”; “Wrong nimber”; Dum; Who is responble ; Azaad Bharat….
Also two short films which rather I call it as Documrntary like “Clean and green India” and “Cold drinks is injurous to health” are registerd with CENSOR BOARD with U certificate.
Q : Any message you would like to give to youth?
Priyanka Raina: I conduct facebook lives saying mostly to actors who not from mumbai that dont waste your time and money comjng here and standing in long lines of auditions.
Instead you can be at your homes and shoot film on your mobile and upload on You tube anx then rest is history. Walk in to film festivals; meet people; etc …..etc….
Q . That’s lovely message but isnt that seems similar of Secret Superstar ?
Priyanka Raina: Secret superstar came much later and my live sessions are conducting through 2015 (Can see my Fb time as they havr time & date).
Also did live with Tisca Chopra on same topic much before Secret Superstar s first look too.
Q. Basically you would say idea of Secret Superstars is yours….
Priyanka Raina : naah and yes we are March borns . And march borns are not only perfectionist but also real Secret Superstars (Laughs)
Q . With this we conclude and its also your Birthday guess (20 March)
Priyanka Raina: yahh
Q . We from team of………wish you a very Happy rocking Birthday and when are we seeing you Debuting in feature film?
Priyanka Raina : Thank you for your lovely Birthday wishes and feature films….. not so soon ; Currently am directing a INDO CANDIAN short film featruring Canadian actress Leena Ne Gandhi. This short film will also feature in Canada film fest first and in Bollywood ofcoase. Lets see feature can work after this.
Q. Indo Canada short film ; so you being International Director ?
Priyanka Raina: Nah…. I am happy to make films just for Bolkywood and after all my aim is Filmfare and not oscars.
Oscars is for them and Filmfare is ours…..so respect our country.
Q . Any concluding line to aspiring filmmakes?
Priyanka Raina: Just believe in your self in what ever you do ; but through right process.
That was lovely chatting with Film Critic | Short film maker Priyanka Raina and we wish her a very Happy Birthday with her Debut Direction featuring soon.